Many companies these days are investing heavily in the development of new technologies. this pushes other companies to develop their own innovations, thereby establishing healthy technological competition. The concept of the essence of technology entrepreneurship provides an advantage for entrepreneurs in any area of business. This course examines the essence and features of technological entrepreneurship in a rapidly developing business area. Describes the difference between technology entrepreneurship and other types of entrepreneurship. The composition and structure of the innovative system of technological entrepreneurship and the need to study it are revealed.
The goal of mastering the discipline
To form a set of skills and abilities for independent construction of business models for innovative projects of technological entrepreneurship, development and execution of a business plan for an innovative project, preparation of accompanying documentation for the project and presentation of the merits and competitive advantages of an innovative project.
The skills you get
- Study current methods of organizing knowledge-intensive production and characteristics of advanced production technologies
- Be able to choose the methods of organizing the production of an innovative product in the changing (different) conditions of the working situation, planning and monitoring the implementation of projects
- Have the skills to assess the production and technological potential of an innovative organization using standard techniques and algorithms
Topics covered
- 1. Introduction to innovative development
- 2. Business idea, business model, business plan
- 3. Marketing assessment of the market
- 4. Product development
- 5. Customer development. Bringing the product to market
- 6. Intangible assets and intellectual property protection
- 7. Technology transfer and licensing
- 8. Creation and development of a startup
- 9. Commercial R&D
- 10. Fundraising instruments
- 11. Assessment of the investment attractiveness of the project
- 12. Project risks
- 13. Project presentation
- 14. Innovation ecosystem
- 15. State innovation policy
When instructed
- 3rd year, 2nd semester
List of references and sourses
1. Innovacionnyj menedzhment. Koncepcii, mnogourovnevye strategii i mekhanizmy innovacionnogo razvitiya : uchebnoe posobie po special'nosti \"Menedzhment organizacii\" / V. M. An'shin [i dr.]; pod red. V. M. An'shina, A. A. Dagaeva, 2007. - 583.
2. Medynskij V. G. Innovacionnyj menedzhment : uchebnik po special'nosti \"Menedzhment organizacii\" / V. G. Medynskij, 2011. - 293.
3. Innovacionnoe predprinimatel'stvo : uchebnik dlya vuzov po ekonomicheskim napravleniyam i special'nostyam / pod red. V. Ya. Gorfinkelya, T. G. Popadyuk, 2013. - 523.
4. Tebekin A. V. Innovacionnyj menedzhment : uchebnik dlya bakalavrov po ekonomicheskim special'nostyam / A. V. Tebekin, 2013. - 475.
5. Belyaev Yu. M. Innovacionnyj menedzhment : uchebnik dlya vuzov po napravleniyam \"Ekonomika\", \"Menedzhment\" / Yu. M. Belyaev, 2014. - 219.
6. Maloe predprinimatel'stvo: organizaciya, upravlenie, ekonomika : uchebnoe posobie dlya vuzov po special'nosti \"Menedzhment organizacii\" / V. Ya. Gorfinkel' [i dr.]; pod red. V. Ya. Gorfinkelya, 2012. - 347.
7. Ruposov V. L. Venchurnoe predprinimatel'stvo : uchebnoe posobie / V. L. Ruposov, T. A. Bayaskalanova, S. V. Mel'chenko, 2018. - 229.