Development Economics

Development Economics is a course on the problems of the economies of developing countries and countries with economies in transition. The key theme for development economics is inequality, poverty, and human development. Relevant questions are the following: what is the role of human capital in overcoming poverty problems and ensuring sustainable growth? How do the traditional (natural) and capitalist (market) sectors interact in the economies of developing countries, and how does their neighborhood affect the nature and pace of development? On what economic and social institutions does the level of inequality depend, and how does it affect economic growth? All these issues are studied within the framework of this course.

The goal of mastering the discipline

To form a set of skills for the formation and selection of promising models for the development of activities, taking into account the identified social and economic conditions, business problems and business opportunities based on a holistic view of the functioning of the global economy, as well as the main opportunities for economic growth and development and development, supranational structures and international organizations.

The skills you get

  • Know the content and principles of basic models demonstrating development mechanisms in the economies of developing countries
  • Be able to distinguish and characterize existing approaches to the analysis of problems of development in domestic and developing economies, apply them to the problems of the development of sectors of the economy in these countries
  • To own methods for calculating and analysis socio-economic indicators characterizing development processes

Topics covered

  • 1. Development economics as a branch of economic knowledge
  • 2. Basic economic society welfare models
  • 3. Globalization and the problem of socio-economic inequality
  • 4. Factors and tools to stimulate economic growth and development
  • 5. The role of the state and international development institutions in the formation of national growth strategies
  • 6. The role of the BRICS countries in the global economy

When instructed

  • 3rd year, 1st semester

List of references and sourses

1. Litvincev A. V. Ekonomika stran Vostochnoj Azii : elektronnyj kurs / A. V. Litvincev, 2019
2. Nechaev A. S. Ekonomika stran Aziatsko-Tihookeanskogo regiona : elektronnyj kurs / A. S. Nechaev, Yu. N. Barykina, 2018
3. Mezhdunarodnaya torgovlya : uchebnik / R. I. Hasbulatov ; pod obshch. red. R. I. Hasbulatova, 2019. - 405.
4. Kuznecova Y. Mezhdunarodnaya torgovlya tovarami i uslugami : uchebnik i praktikum dlya bakalavriata i magistratury : v 2 ch. Ch. 1, 2020. - 282.
5. Senchagov V. K. Ekonomicheskaya bezopasnost': geopolitika, globalizaciya, samosohranenie i razvitie / V. K. Senchagov, 2002. - 123.
6. Nureev Rustem Mahmutovich. Ekonomika razvitiya: modeli stanovleniya rynochnoj ekonomiki : ucheb. posobie [dlya vuzov po ekon. special'nostyam] / R. M. Nureev, 2001. - 239.
7. Bek Ul'rih. Chto takoe globalizaciya?: Oshibki globalizma - otvety na globalizaciyu : per. s nem. / Ul'rih Bek, 2001. - 301.
8. Lavrovskij B. L. Ekonomicheskij rost i regional'naya asimmetriya (empiricheskij analiz) / B. L. Lavrovskij, 2005. - 215.
9. Chumakov A. N. Globalizaciya: kontury celostnogo mira : monografiya / A. N. Chumakov, 2011. - 428.
10 Mezoekonomika razvitiya : nauchnoe izdanie / V. E. Dement'ev [i dr] ; pod red. G. B. Klejnera, 2011. - 804.
11. Sinickij S. V. Globalizaciya i regional'noe razvitie : monografiya / S. V. Sinickij, 2008. - 184.
12. Yastrebov K. L. Mirovaya ekonomika. Ekonomika, globalizaciya, integraciya, problemy / K. L. Yastrebov, G. E. Dykusov, 2013. - 665.