Basics of Business Communication
The discipline “Fundamentals of Business Communication” ensures the formation of UK OS-4-competence: ability to carry out business communication in oral and written forms in the state language of the Russian Federation and foreign language(s)
The goal of mastering the discipline
The goal of mastering the discipline is developing competence in the field of business communication
The skills you get
- Know the basic terminology of the discipline; etiquette formulas for effective communication; norms of modern Russian literary language; specifics of different functional styles; rules for preparing private business documents; characteristic features of the design of abstract genres.
- Be able to analyze speech for compliance with communicative qualities, distinguish between non-literary types of speech; construct a statement in accordance with the norms of modern literary language; create texts of notes and abstracts, draw up different types of plans; draw up personal documents (application, resume, explanatory note, memo, autobiography); transform written text into text for oral presentation.
- Possess the skills of collecting, processing, critical perception and interpretation of information from various sources to solve communication problems.
Topics covered
- The student is able to identify the features of the official (business) style in oral/written speech, verbal and non-verbal means of business communication, carry out business correspondence, maintain electronic communications, apply communication techniques and techniques for establishing contact with the interlocutor during business conversations, negotiations, manage a conflict situation with taking into account ethical standards of business relationships.
When instructed
- 1st year, 1st semester
List of references and sourses
Basic educational literature:
1. Bashkirceva O. A., Dedkovskaja D.M. Pogovorim o russkoj rechi: praktikum / O. A. Bashkirceva, D. M. Dedkovskaja, – 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. Irkut. nac. issled. tehn. un-t. - Irkutsk : IRNITU, 2020. - 112 s.
2. Russkij jazyk i kul'tura rechi : / V. D. Chernjak [i dr.]; pod obshh. red. V. D. Chernjak. – M. : Jurajt, 2014. - 505 s.
3. Russkij jazyk. Kul'tura rechi. Delovoe obshhenie: uchebnik /L.A. Vvedenskaja, L.G. Pavlova, E.Ju. Kashaeva. – 2-e izd., ster. – M.: KNORUS, 2014.– 424 s. – (Bakalavriat)
4. Bykova A. V., Mandych I. A., Sigan'kov A. A. Delovye kommunikacii: [jelektronnyj resurs]: Uchebnoe posobie. –M.:MIRJeA –Rossijskij tehnicheskij universitet, 2020. 101 s.
Additional educational and reference literature:
1. Bashkirceva, O.A. Russkij jazyk i kul'tura rechi : uchebnoe posobie / O. A. Bashkirceva, D. M. Dedkovskaja ; Irkut. nac. issled. tehn. un-t. - Irkutsk : IRNITU, 2018. - 112 s.
2. Russkij jazyk i kul'tura rechi/ Uchebnik / Pod. red. prof. V. I. Maksimova. – M. : Jurajt, 2013 – 382 s.
3. Ljatti S.Je., Bykova N.A., Piskunova A.V. Russkij jazyk i kul'tura rechi: Uchebnoe posobie. Irkutsk: IrGTU, 2006.
4. Sigan'kov A.A. Delovye kommunikacii [jelektronnyj resurs]: Praktikum/ Sigan'kov A.A. – M.: MIRJeA – Rossijskij tehnicheskij universitet, 2021 – 1 jelektronnyj disk (CD ROM). //
Internet resources and professional databases:
Professional databases: