Risk Management
The course covers basic issues related to the analysis of decision-making problems in conditions of uncertainty; the standard tools for solving managerial tasks are considered: risk assessment of managerial decisions; evaluating the effectiveness of solutions in terms of their riskiness and effectiveness; choice from alternative options, etc. Mathematical foundations of managerial decision-making in conditions of risk and uncertainty are studied.
The goal of mastering the discipline
Knowledge acquisition in the risk assessment methods and the procedures of making management decisions in conditions of uncertainty and risk.
The skills you get
- Know the basic risk management tools. Be able to select and use risk management tools to make management decisions.
Topics covered
- 1. The concept and essence of risk.
- 2. Risk factors
- 3. The place of risk management in the management structure of a commercial enterprise.
- 4. Risk analysis methods.
- 5. The process of making management decisions under conditions of risk and uncertainty.
List of references and sourses
1. Voroncovskij A. V. Upravlenie riskami : uchebnoe posobie / A. V. Voroncovskij, 2020. - 485. https://urait.ru/book/upravlenie-riskami-450664
2. Shkurko V. E. Upravlenie riskami proekta : uchebnoe posobie dlja vuzov / V. E. Shkurko ; pod nauch. red. A. V. Grebenkina, 2020. - 182. https://urait.ru/book/upravlenie-riskami-proekta-454911
3. Avdoshin S. M. Informatizacija biznesa. Upravlenie riskami : uchebnoe posobie / S. M. Avdoshin, 2018. - 178. https://www.studentlibrary.ru/ru/book/ISBN9785937000309.html?SSr=5001343ef9035bb96667503