Productive practice: technological (production and technological) practice
studying the technology of diagnosing, maintenance, current repair of wheeled vehicles, in accordance with the requirements of manufacturers;
study of the procedure for culling parts and assemblies of wheeled vehicles;
study and application of information technologies used in the operation, diagnosis, maintenance and repair of wheeled vehicles
The goal of mastering the discipline
obtaining skills in performing technological processes for diagnosing, maintaining and repairing wheeled transport processes at the enterprise and methods for their improvement (including technological maps) using modern technological equipment
The skills you get
- Knows production processes of motor transport enterprises, car service stations; organization of the workplace; special literature and technological processes for diagnosing, maintenance, repair of wheeled vehicles.
Topics covered
- General plan of the enterprise; planning drawings of the production building, zone, workshop. Manufacturers' requirements for the technology of diagnosing, maintenance and repair of wheeled vehicles. Used software products to ensure the operation, diagnosis, maintenance and repair of wheeled vehicles.
When instructed
- 2nd year, 2nd semester
List of references and sourses
1. Guidelines for production (technological) practice for students in the direction of training 23.03.03 - Operation of transport and technological machines and complexes. Profiles Automotive Service/Automotive and Automotive. Compiled by A.I. Fedotov, V.S. Kolchin, Z.V. Gorbunov. Irkutsk. 2019. - 30 p. Placed in EOS IRNITU "MOODLE"