Material and technical support of transport enterprises

The ability to organize control, maintenance and current repair of equipment, acceptance, installation and launch of technological equipment being commissioned is being formed, drawing up applications for equipment and spare parts, preparing technical documentation, instructions for operating and repairing equipment.

The goal of mastering the discipline

Obtaining theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the development of logistics methods and techniques for organizing the logistics of transport enterprises of road transport.

The skills you get

  • Know the workflow and organization of the work of performers, inventory management at enterprises at. Be able to solve logistical problems in document management and organizing the work of performers, inventory management at enterprises at. Possess management skills stocks at AT enterprises.

Topics covered

  • 1. Structures and systems of logistics of transport enterprises. 2. Inventory management systems for transport companies. 3. Tasks of logistics of transport enterprises. Warehousing in the MTO system of transport enterprises. 4. Organization of storage of material and technical assets. 5. The movement of stocks in transport enterprises. Movement of stocks at the regional level. 6. Rationing, determination of needs, accounting for the consumption of material and technical assets and fuel and energy resources in transport enterprises. 7. Characteristics of wholesale and small wholesale distribution systems and distribution networks. Functions of procurement and distribution processes. 8. Prospects for the development of logistics for the logistics of transport enterprises.

When instructed

  • 4th year, 1st semester

List of references and sourses

1. Pilipchuk S. F. Logistics of the enterprise. Warehousing [Electronic resource]: textbook for universities / S. F. Pilipchuk, 2021. - 300 p.
2. Svirbutovich O. A. Logistics of logistics of service enterprises: textbook / O. A. Svirbutovich, T. I. Krivtsova, 2017. - 184 p.