Industrial practice: pre-graduate practice
Perform clarification and feasibility study of the topic of the final qualifying work.
To study in a real production environment the activities of the enterprise, its structure, the relationship of departments and services with production units, methods for monitoring their activities, the organization of technological processes, as well as the regulatory documentation used at the enterprise;
To study the issues of licensing, certification and economics of production, the efficiency of the use of material and labor resources, the environmental and technical and economic assessment of the work performed, as well as the assessment of the forms and methods of the scientific organization of labor.
The goal of mastering the discipline
Consolidation of the results of the development of the educational program, preparation for solving organizational, technological and economic problems in production, issues related to life safety; performance of final qualifying work.
The skills you get
- owns the skills of choosing the optimal organization for the production of technical maintenance and repair of wheeled vehicles in motor transport and auto service enterprises.
Topics covered
- General plan of the enterprise, planning drawings of the production building, zone and workshop. Analysis of technological processes of maintenance and current repair. Organization of storage of vehicles. Organization of material and technical supply of the enterprise; Organization of life safety of the enterprise; Organization of environmental safety of the enterprise; The main key economic indicators of the enterprise. The system of remuneration, material incentives.
When instructed
- 4th year, 2nd semester
List of references and sourses
1. Guidelines for industrial (pre-diploma) practice for students in the direction of training 23.03.03 - Operation of transport-technological machines and complexes. Profiles Automotive Service/Automotive and Automotive. Compiled by A.I. Fedotov, V.S. Kolchin, Z.V. Gorbunov. Irkutsk. 2019. - 30 p. Placed in EOS IRNITU "MOODLE"
2. Kolchin V.S. Technical operation of wheeled vehicles. EOS IR-NUST "MOODLE"