Fundamentals of architectural design and compositional modeling
The study of the discipline "Fundamentals of architectural design and compositional modeling" is a basic, fundamental concept (subject) in the preparation of students in the specialty "Design of the architectural environment".
The discipline is prior to the disciplines: "Architectural and design design" in senior courses; "Project activity", "Design and technological production practice", "Pre-graduate practice".
The goal of mastering the discipline
Formation of professional competencies in the profile of training. Formation of skills for solving various professional tasks. Immersion in the specificf activity. Development and expansion of competencies in the field of architectural design, urban environment design and the basics of compositional modeling.
The skills you get
- Emerging competencies: The ability to apply modern information technologies in solving the tasks of professional activity. The ability to participate in conducting pre-project research and preparing data for the development of the architectural and design section of the project documentation. Ability to participate in the development and design of the architectural and design section of the project documentation. The ability to participate in complex design based on a systematic approach, based on existing legal norms, financial resources, analysis of the situation in social, functional, environmental, technological, engineering, historical, economic and aesthetic aspects.
Topics covered
- 1 semester: Section 1. Fundamentals of compositional modeling:
- 2 semester: Section 1. Fundamentals of compositional modeling:
- 3 semester: Section 1. Fundamentals of compositional modeling:
- 4 semester: Section 1. Fundamentals of compositional modeling:
When instructed
- 1st year, 1st and 2nd semester
- 2nd year, 1st and 2nd semester
List of references and sourses
1. Zavarikhin S. P. Architecture: composition and form [Electronic resource]: textbook / S. P. Zavarikhin, 2020. - 186 p.
2. Ignatieva O. A. Designer's drawing: textbook / O. A. Ignatieva, O. K. Elk, E. N. Kurochkina, 2020. - 155 p.
3. Oparin S. G. Architectural and construction design [Electronic resource]: textbook / S. G. Oparin, 2020. - 283 p.
4. Khokhrin E. V. Methodology of urban environment design: textbook / E. V. Khokhrin, S. A. Smolkov, 2019. - 98 p.
5. Khokhrin E. V. Geometry of urban environment design: textbook / E. V. Khokhrin, S. A. Smolkov, 2019. - 72 p.