Korniakov Mikhail Viktorovich
Degree: Dr. Sc. in Engineering, Associate Professor
Position: Rector, Chairman of the Academic Council, Chairman of the Scientific and Technical Council, President of the All-Russian Student Bandy League
Date of Birth: 30.08.1974
About myself: Long range and reasonable planning, system and efficient action, deserved rewards

Work experience

July 05, 2017 — Rector of Irkutsk National Research Technical University

October 21, 2016 — Acting Rector of Irkutsk National Research Technical University

2010-2015 — Vice-Rector on Innovative Activity of Irkutsk National Research Technical University.

2008-2010 — head of the Department of Research Activity of Irkutsk National Research Technical University.

2004-2008 — head of the Research Office of Irkutsk State Technical University

2001-2009 — associate professor of the Department of Control systems of electromechanical equipment of mining enterprises of Irkutsk State Technical University

1997-2001 — assistant at the Department of Control systems of electromechanical equipment of mining enterprises of Irkutsk State Technical University

Activity outcomes:

178,3 million rubles of investment attracted for the development of University innovative infrastructure
Successful management of more than 10 large-scale projects including “Development of INRTU innovative infrastructure” within the framework of Russian Government Decree # 219
Establishment of 29 new small innovative enterprises
60,1 million rubles of attracted start investment for INRTU startups
The overall volume of works and services made by INRTU affiliates in 2010-2014 was 2,2 billion rubles
More than 80 winning projects at innovative competitions of the Government of Irkutsk region, Irkutsk city administration, Skolkovo, the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises, Foundation of Internet Initiatives Development and others

Public activity:

Managment Board Member of the Environmental Fund "Save Baikal!"
Member of the Coordinating Scientific Council under the Governor of the Irkutsk Region
Member of the Supervisory Board of the world-class scientific and educational center "Baikal"
Member of the Trustee Board under the Governor of the Irkutsk Region on identification and support of gifted children in the Irkutsk region
Member of the Council of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Eastern Siberia
Member of the task team designing the Concept higher education system development in Irkutsk Region
Member of the Scientific Council of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences on Lake Baikal Problems
Member of the Investment Council under the Governor of the Irkutsk Region
Co-Chairman of the Regional Expert Group (Irkutsk Region from the Regional Branch of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the Irkutsk Region) of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives to Promote Projects to assess the implementation of target models to simplify business procedures and increase the investment attractiveness of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
Member of the expert group of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives to monitor the implementation of the Standard in the Irkutsk region "Standard for the activities of executive authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation to ensure a favorable investment climate in the region"
Member of the Competition Commission for Supporting Small and Medium-Sized Businesses in Irkutsk
Member of the working group of Association of Leading Universities on analysis and dissemination of the best practices of HEI management
Member of the expert council of “MEDTEKHINNOVATSIYA”
Member of the council on research and innovative activity of youth under the Government of Irkutsk region
Member of Irkutsk division of Higher Engineering Council of Russia
Member of the selection committee at innovative project competition


awarded with the "Golden Star of Friendship" for the development of Mongolian-Russian cooperation
awarded with the the title of Honorary Professor of the Institute of Technology and Innovation Management in Kulyab, Republic of Tajikistan
awarded with the sign "For merits in the development of housing and communal services of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)"
awarded the Honor Certificate of the Minister of Ecology, Nature Management and Forestry of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) for fruitful cooperation, a great personal contribution to the implementation of the State Environmental Policy
awarded the Order of Mongolia "Polar Star"
awarded the medal "300th anniversary of ROSTECHNADZOR"
Gratitude of the Mayor of Irkutsk for organizing the XIII city youth festival "Irkutsk Computer Games – 2019"
Diploma for personal participation in the torch relay of the XXIX World Winter Universiade 2019 in Irkutsk on December 1, 2018
awarded with a commemorative sign "For the development of the city of Irkutsk"
awarded with the sign of public encouragement "80 years of Irkutsk region"
Message of thanks from M.V. Shchapova, Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation for a worthy contribution to the development of higher professional education system in tIrkutsk region
Message of thanks from the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of Irkutsk Region for active participation in the regional anti-drug action "The future is ours!"
appreciation of the Deputy Minister of Industrial Policy and Forest Complex of Irkutsk region for active participation in preparation and holding of the 1st Baikal International Cluster Forum “KlasTERRA”
appreciation of Rector of Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property for the assistance in realization of research and educational project “Intellectual force”
appreciation of the Minister on Physical Culture, Sports and Youth Policy of Irkutsk region for the assistance in organization and holding of the regional stage of All-Russian Youth Innovative Convention
appreciation of All-Russian public organization of small and medium entrepreneurship “Support of Russia” for excellent work and assistance by holding regional conference “Business Success 2013”
appreciation of the Chairman of Federation Council of Federal Assembly of Russian federation for contribution to preparation and holding of the Sixth Baikal Economic Forum
appreciation of the Governor of Irkutsk region for conscientious work and high professionalism
third place at All-Russian competition of young scientists “Economic growth of Russia”.


Russian, English



SPIN-RSCI 6997-2070
ORCID 0000-0001-5120-4677
ResearcherID AAK-8918-2021
Scopus AuthorID 56015353800

The main scientific interests of Mikhail V. Kornyakov lie in the field of mining engineering and safe operation of mining equipment.

A large volume of scientific publications by M.V. Kornyakova is devoted to the issues of intellectual property management and management of higher education. Dr Kornyakov is the author of 88 scientific works including 2 monographs, 6 training aids, 33 papers in leading editions, 8 certificates for software and others.He is a co-author of 13 copyright certificates and patents of the Russian Federation and China.

M.V. Kornyakov Applying visual optical methods of non-destructive testing while diagnosing metal structures of mine hoisting plants / M.V. Korniakov, Y.O Gurkov, A.N. Shevchenko, S.Y. Krasnoshtanov // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 408, 2nd International Scientific Conference «Sustainable and Efficient Use of Energy, Water and Natural Resources 16–20 September 2019, Irkutsk Region, Russian Federation

Kornyakov M.V. Intellectual rights of students to inventions, utility models, industrial designs created by them in the learning process / M.V. Kornyakov, O. G. Stepanenko, V.G. Tatarnikov // Academic legal journal. - 2018. - No. 3 (73). - S.18-25.

V. V. Barakhtenko. Influence of mineral fillers on the combustion processes of polymer materials / V.V. Barakienko, A.E. Burdonov, M.V. Kornyakov, E.V. Zelinskaya, N.A. Tolmacheva // Refractories and technical ceramics. - 2016. - No. 1-2. - P.42

Nemarov A. Theoretical and experimental research of parameters of pneumatic aerators and elementary cycle flotation / A. Nemarov, N. Lebedev, V. Kondrat,ev, M. Kornyakov, A. Karlina // International Journal of Applied Engineering Research. 2016. T. 11. № 20. C. 10222-10226.

Pavlov A.M. Device for increasing the service life and safety of operation of traction ropes of dragline excavators / A.M. Pavlov, E.A. Dmitriev, M.V. Kornyakov, A.N. Shevchenko // Vestn. ISTU. - 2015. - No. 10. - P.67-70.

Pavlov A.M. Improving the reliability of identifying the appearance of fatigue cracks in the steel pipe of an excavator boom / A.M. Pavlov, E.A. Dmitriev, M.V. Kornyakov, A.N. Shevchenko // Vestn. ISTU. - 2015. - No. 11. - S.35-40.

Krasnoshtanov S.Yu. Energy saving ways at the pneumatic installation of the Kholbinsky mine / S.Yu. Krasnoshtanov, M.V. Kornyakov, E.A. Dmitriev, A.I. Naydenov // Vestn. ISTU. - 2014. - No. 8. - S.31-35.

Kondratyev V.V. Assessment of the influence of the composition of the modifier with nanostructured additives on the properties of gray cast iron / V.V. Kondratyev, A.E. Balanovsky, N.A. Ivanov, V.A. Ershov, M.V. Kornyakov // Metallurg. - 2014. - No. 5. - S.48-56.

Kornyakov M.V. Using the principles of scientific and educational corporations to ensure financial independence and development of national research universities (on the example of NR ISTU) / M.V. Kornyakov, A.V. Zvezdin, O.S. Muftakhova // Vestn. ISTU. - 2013. - No. 10. - S.312-316.

Dmitriev E.A. Justification of the requirements for thermal sensors for protection against overheating of bearings of powerful machines and units / E.A. Dmitriev, M.V. Kornyakov, S.Yu. Krasnoshtanov // Vestn. ISTU. - 2013. - No. 10. - S. 32-36.

Kondratev V.V. Technological solutions for saving energy and reducing the capital intensity of gas-removal and gas-cleaning systems at aluminum factories / V.N. Nikolaev, E.P. Rzhechitskii, M.V. Kornyakov, A.D. Afanasev // Metallurgist, Vol. 57. Nos. 9-10. January. 2014 (Russian Original Nos. 9-10. September-October, 2013).

Kornyakov M.V. Problems and directions of NR STU innovation infrastructure development / M.V. Kornyakov, K.S. Sinitsyna, A.V. Zvezdin // Vestn. ISTU. - 2012. - No. 8. - S. 172-176.

Kornyakov M.V. Directions of development of innovative activity of NI ISTU / M.V. Kornyakov, V.L. Ruposov, A.V. Zvezdin // Vestn. ISTU. - 2012. - No. 9. - S.266-270.

Kornyakov M.V. The influence of emergency situations when assessing the residual resource of mine lifting installations / M.V. Kornyakov, S.Yu. Krasnoshtanov // Vestn. ISTU. - 2012. - No. 12. - S.85-91.

Kazakov V.D. The role of the National Research Irkutsk State Technical University in the innovative development strategy of the Baikal region economy / V.D. Kazakov, M.V. Kornyakov, V.L. Ruposov, V.V. Peshkov // Vestn. ISTU. - 2011. - No. 5. - S. 153-158.

Kornyakov M.V. Relay for monitoring the performance of multistage sectional pumps / MV Kornyakov, E.A. Dmitriev, A.I. Naydenov // Vestn. ISTU. - 2011. - No. 12. - S. 60-65.

Rector's Office

Rector's Office

Office: А-201
Phone: +7 (3952) 40-50-00
E-mail: kornikov@istu.edu, rector@istu.edu

Rector's Assistants

Assistant to the Rector
Kseniia Vlasova
Assistant to the Rector, Assistant to the Rector
Olga Safonova