Aleksandr Davydenko
Senior Researcher:
Siberian School of Geosciences,
Department of Geophysics (since 2020)
Research and Publications
Doctor of Sciences, Geological and Mineralogical Sciences
Education, degrees
Geophysical methods of prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits, Irkutsk Polytechnic Institute
Professional Interests
Computer modeling in the exploration and optimization of the development of diamond deposits. Kolganov V.F., Bondarenko I.F., Davydenko A.Yu., Vasiliev P.V., Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2008, 288c.
Integrated geoecological assessment of the impact of an impact source of mercury pollution on environmental objects. E. A. Rush, A. Yu. Davydenko; Irkut.state tech. un-t. - Irkutsk: Publishing House of ISTU, 2004. - 111 p.
Models of ore regions and deposits in Siberia. Seminsky Zh.V., Filonyuk V.A., Korzh V.V. M. et al., Nedra, 1994, 100 p.
Vakhromeev G.S., Davydenko A.Yu. Modeling in exploration geophysics M: Nedra, 1987, 194 p.
Vakhromeev G.S., Davydenko A.Yu. Modeling in exploration geophysics. Chinese reprint. Publishing House of China Geological University. Wuhan, China, 1994, 194 p.
Geophysical and geochemical methods of prospecting for rare-metal pegmatites. Vakhromeev G.S., Davydenko A.Yu., Zagorsky V.E., Makagon V.M. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1983, 120 p.
Scientific articles, patent, computer program registration certificate:
Davydenko, A.Y., Grayver A.V., 2014. Principal component analysis for filtering and leveling of geophysical data. J. Appl. Geophys. 109, 266-280.
The effect of integration of robust regression analysis with inversion for transient processes in the median gradient method in the study of explosion pipes on the Anabar Shield. Davydenko Yu.A., Kupriyanov I.S., Pesterev al., Zapiski Gornogo instituta. 2013. V. 200. S. 28-33.
Davydenko A.Yu., Graiver A.V. "Software complex for multidimensional statistical analysis of the structure of geophysical fields GelioSMI". Certificate of state registration of the computer program No. 2012613705. Federal Service for Intellectual Property, registered in the Register of computer programs on 04.19.2012.
Multivariate analysis and visualization of electrical survey data by differentially normalized method on the shelf of the Barents Sea. Graiver A.V., Davydenko Yu.A., Ivanov S.A. Notes of the Mining Institute. 2011. V. 194. S. 173-177.
Rush E.A., Davydenko A.Yu. Ecological monitoring: methods of multidimensional statistical analysis and quality control of environmental objects in the Angara region. Engineering Ecology, No. 5, 2006, p. 3-26.
Grunichev N. S., Davydenko A. Yu. On the influence of the uniformity of the flow of dusty air on the efficiency of granular filters. Izv. universities. Mining magazine, 2003, No. 5
N. S. Grunichev, N. A. Arkhipov, A. Yu. Davydenko. Method for trapping dust in granular filters. The decision to grant a patent for an invention under application No. 2002129968-15(031688) dated November 10, 2002
Davydenko A.Yu. Direct problem for the probabilistic distribution of the gravitational field over a randomly inhomogeneous object and its significance for data interpretation and planning of a geophysical experiment. Geophysics and Mathematics. Mater.2nd All-Russian. Conf., Perm, Mining Institute, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2001, pp. 73-79.
Vakhromeyev, G.S., Davydenko, A.Y. Stochastic Modeling of Potential Fields for Geological Objests with Complex Internal Structure. Geophysical data inversion methods and applications. Proc. of the 7th Int. Math. geoph. Seminar. Free University of Berlin, 1989, p.273-287.
Vakhromeyev, G.S, Davydenko, A.Y., 1987. Calculation of potential fields for stochastic models of heterogeneous geological objects. Geophys. Prospect. 35, 288-311.
Vachromeev, G.S. ; Davidenko,A.J.U.; Kozevnikov,N.O. Methode der nichtstationarenelectromagnetischenSondierungbei der Untersuchung der ErzfelderOstsibiriens. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Geologie, Bd. 33 (1987) Heft II, S. 300-302.
Computer modeling in the exploration and optimization of the development of diamond deposits. Kolganov V.F., Bondarenko I.F., Davydenko A.Yu., Vasiliev P.V., Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2008, 288c.
Integrated geoecological assessment of the impact of an impact source of mercury pollution on environmental objects. E. A. Rush, A. Yu. Davydenko; Irkut.state tech. un-t. - Irkutsk: Publishing House of ISTU, 2004. - 111 p.
Models of ore regions and deposits in Siberia. Seminsky Zh.V., Filonyuk V.A., Korzh V.V. M. et al., Nedra, 1994, 100 p.
Vakhromeev G.S., Davydenko A.Yu. Modeling in exploration geophysics M: Nedra, 1987, 194 p.
Vakhromeev G.S., Davydenko A.Yu. Modeling in exploration geophysics. Chinese reprint. Publishing House of China Geological University. Wuhan, China, 1994, 194 p.
Geophysical and geochemical methods of prospecting for rare-metal pegmatites. Vakhromeev G.S., Davydenko A.Yu., Zagorsky V.E., Makagon V.M. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1983, 120 p.
Scientific articles, patent, computer program registration certificate:
Davydenko, A.Y., Grayver A.V., 2014. Principal component analysis for filtering and leveling of geophysical data. J. Appl. Geophys. 109, 266-280.
The effect of integration of robust regression analysis with inversion for transient processes in the median gradient method in the study of explosion pipes on the Anabar Shield. Davydenko Yu.A., Kupriyanov I.S., Pesterev al., Zapiski Gornogo instituta. 2013. V. 200. S. 28-33.
Davydenko A.Yu., Graiver A.V. "Software complex for multidimensional statistical analysis of the structure of geophysical fields GelioSMI". Certificate of state registration of the computer program No. 2012613705. Federal Service for Intellectual Property, registered in the Register of computer programs on 04.19.2012.
Multivariate analysis and visualization of electrical survey data by differentially normalized method on the shelf of the Barents Sea. Graiver A.V., Davydenko Yu.A., Ivanov S.A. Notes of the Mining Institute. 2011. V. 194. S. 173-177.
Rush E.A., Davydenko A.Yu. Ecological monitoring: methods of multidimensional statistical analysis and quality control of environmental objects in the Angara region. Engineering Ecology, No. 5, 2006, p. 3-26.
Grunichev N. S., Davydenko A. Yu. On the influence of the uniformity of the flow of dusty air on the efficiency of granular filters. Izv. universities. Mining magazine, 2003, No. 5
N. S. Grunichev, N. A. Arkhipov, A. Yu. Davydenko. Method for trapping dust in granular filters. The decision to grant a patent for an invention under application No. 2002129968-15(031688) dated November 10, 2002
Davydenko A.Yu. Direct problem for the probabilistic distribution of the gravitational field over a randomly inhomogeneous object and its significance for data interpretation and planning of a geophysical experiment. Geophysics and Mathematics. Mater.2nd All-Russian. Conf., Perm, Mining Institute, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2001, pp. 73-79.
Vakhromeyev, G.S., Davydenko, A.Y. Stochastic Modeling of Potential Fields for Geological Objests with Complex Internal Structure. Geophysical data inversion methods and applications. Proc. of the 7th Int. Math. geoph. Seminar. Free University of Berlin, 1989, p.273-287.
Vakhromeyev, G.S, Davydenko, A.Y., 1987. Calculation of potential fields for stochastic models of heterogeneous geological objects. Geophys. Prospect. 35, 288-311.
Vachromeev, G.S. ; Davidenko,A.J.U.; Kozevnikov,N.O. Methode der nichtstationarenelectromagnetischenSondierungbei der Untersuchung der ErzfelderOstsibiriens. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Geologie, Bd. 33 (1987) Heft II, S. 300-302.