INRTU Students Are Winners of The All-Russian Competition of Research Works On Technosphere Safety
INRTU Bachelor's and Master's students won the All-Russian competition of research works on technosphere safety. They assessed the risks of pharmaceutical companies, the negative impact of blowing agents on plant growth, the importance of safety culture in physical training at INRTU. The materials will be published in the journal ‘XXI century. Technosphere Safety' (RSCI).
The first place was taken by master's student Yulia Maksimenko, who assessed and predicted technogenic risks in pharmaceutical production by Veropharm (Vladimir region). The first place was taken by master's student Yulia Maksimenko, who assessed and predicted technogenic risks in pharmaceutical production by Veropharm (Vladimir region). In her work under the supervision of Professor Svetlana Timofeeva, she considered the possibility of implementing a safety and quality management system, new waste disposal techniques, emission monitoring and staff training. Calculations showed that the payback period of the initiatives is 2.5 years.
Daria Rogacheva, Igor and Anastasia Kasimovs, final year undergraduate students, took second place. In their research work, INRTU students explored how environmental pollution with polyaromatic hydrocarbons and foaming agent PO-6 affects plant growth. The researchers conducted experiments with oats, clover, watercress, hemp and mustard, which showed the greatest resistance to pollutants. The students emphasised the need to develop measures to improve the condition of water bodies with the possibility of their self-purification. Professor Svetlana Timofeeva and Associate Professor Olga Tyukalova supervised the research work.
Anastasia Bokareva, Yana Veselova and Polina Kalinovskaya rounded off the top three. The fourth-year students studied the influence of safety culture on the organisation of physical activity of university students. They researched the university's sports facilities, conducted a survey among teachers and fellow students, and proposed to organise games, competitions, contests and other interactive activities. This will make it possible to tell INRTU students about how to play sports safely. The research was supervised by senior lecturers Olga Nikitina and Semion Timofeev.
INRTU students Denis Valiulin, Farhunda Isokzoda, Sofia Ovchinnikova, Adelina Byzova, Alexander Klimashchuk, Daria Bronnikova were awarded certificates for participation.