Risk theory and modeling of risk situations in road transport

The discipline teaches to analyze risk situations in road transport and evaluate them. Thanks to the development of discipline, the student can apply methods for assessing risk situations and risk management methods.

The goal of mastering the discipline

Learn to analyze risk situations in road transport and evaluate them.

The skills you get

  • Know the risk and its classification; methods for assessing risk situations; risk management methods. Be able to perform risk assessment in the field of road transport. Own methods of decision-making taking into account risk assessment in the field of road transport.

Topics covered

  • 1. The concept of risk and its classification. 2. Diagnostics of risks. 3. Ways and methods of risk assessment. 4. Risk management. 5. Risk management program. 6. Analysis of risk situations in road transport

When instructed

  • 2nd year, 2nd semester

List of references and sourses

1. Urodovskikh V. N. Enterprise risk management: a textbook for university students majoring in Organization Management / V. N. Urodovskikh, 2014. - 167.
2. Timofeeva S. S. Risk management, system analysis and modeling [Electronic resource]: textbook / S. S. Timofeeva, E. A. Khamidullina, 2012. - 105.