Organization and management of production at car service enterprises

Types of organizational structures and management methods. Organizational structure of a car service enterprise. Organizational structure of the technical center of the car service enterprise. Auto service enterprise management standards. Technical center business process

The goal of mastering the discipline

study of theoretical provisions, consolidation of knowledge and development of practical skills in the development of organizational structures and methods for managing the production of maintenance and repair of cars in a car service enterprise

The skills you get

  • Has the skills to develop an organizational structure and management standards for a car service enterprise, draw up documents necessary for organizing a business process of a technical center of a car service enterprise

Topics covered

  • 1. Types of organizational structures and management methods 2. Organizational structure of a car service enterprise 3. Organizational structure of the technical center of the car service enterprise 4. Car service enterprise management standards 5. Business process of the technical center

When instructed

  • 2nd year, 2nd semester

List of references and sourses

1. Kolchin V.S. Organization and management of production at car service enterprises. EOS IRNITU MOODLE.
2. Golovin S. F. Technical service of transport machines and equipment: a textbook for universities in the specialty "Service of transport and technological machines and equipment (construction, road and communication machines)" ... / S. F. Golovin, 2008. - 284 p.
3. Car service: car service stations: a textbook for universities in the specialty 100101 "Service" (specialization "Car service") / I. E. Gribut [et al.]; ed. V. S. Shuplyakova, Yu. P. Sviridenko, 2008. - 476 p.