Microeconomics and Macroeconomics

The purpose of mastering the discipline is to master the culture of economic thinking, as well as the basic concepts, principles and concepts of economic science.
The objectives of the course are to:
- to acquaint with the main economic categories, concepts, theories and laws;
- to form an idea of the theoretical and methodological principles of economic analysis;
- to acquaint with the basis of the culture of economic thinking, knowledge of its general laws.

The goal of mastering the discipline

The goal of mastering the discipline: the formation of a theoretical base (conceptual and methodological) and practical skills in the analysis of economic phenomena and processes at the micro and macro levels.

The skills you get

  • Knowledge of the basic concepts, categories and tools of economic science, the laws of the functioning of the economy.
  • Ability to calculate economic indicators when assessing the effectiveness of performance in various areas.a.
  • Skills in modern methods of economic analysis in various fields of activity.

Topics covered

  • Supply and demand theory
  • Theory of the firm
  • Types of markets and pricing bases in different market structures
  • National economy: results and their measurement
  • Macroeconomic equilibrium and macroeconomic instability
  • Fiscal and monetary policy
  • Economic growth

When instructed

  • 1st year, 1st semester

List of references and sourses

1. Nureyev R. M. Course of microeconomics: a textbook for universities in financial and economic specialties / R. M. Nureyev, 2012. - 560.
2. Kolmakov AE Macro- and microeconomics: a textbook in the areas of preparation 03/38/01, 04/38/01 "Economics": 03/38/02 "Management" / AE Kolmakov, MV Bogatyreva, M. A Kolmakov, 2018. - 397.
3. Boytsova E. Yu. Microeconomics and macroeconomics: topical problems: textbook / E. Yu. Boytsova, 2020. - 249 p.